Elizabeth speaking for the NAD Ministerial Association 100th Anniversary

Marriott San Diego Downtown 530 Broadway, San Diego, CA

Elizabeth Talbot, Director and Speaker for Jesus 101, will be speaking at the NAD Ministerial Association 100th year anniversary! This event will be hosted in San Diego. Elizabeth will be speaking on Righteousness by Faith – A Scriptural View.

Elizabeth for Mountain View Conference Women’s Retreat

Valley Vista Camp 532 Valley Vista Ln, Huttonsville, WV

Elizabeth will be speaking for the Mountain View Conference Women's Retreat. The event will be held at the Mountain View Valley Vista Camp. For more information, contact Liz Bailey at 304-422-4581

Elizabeth at Chapel Haven SDA Church

Chapel Haven SDA Church 9911 Huron St, Northglenn, CO

Join Elizabeth Talbot, Speaker/Director for Jesus 101, at the Chapel Haven SDA Church. For more information, call (303) 547-6628 or email [email protected]

Elizabeth speaking for Dallas First Church of SDA

Dallas First Church of Seventh-day Adventists 4009 N Central Expy, Dallas, TX

Our Speaker/Director, Elizabeth Talbot, will be speaking for the Dallas First Church of SDA. You can find more information at https://www.dallasfirstchurch.org/

Albany Spanish SDA

Join Elizabeth Talbot, Speaker and Director of Jesus 101, on this Zoom meeting for the Albany Spanish Women's Ministry! Zoom meeting will be at 5:00PM PST More info/zoom link to follow.