Jesus 101 has just launched an exciting new five-part evangelistic series, hosted by Dr. Elizabeth Talbot and special guest, Roy Ice, Speaker-Director of Faith For Today. This free video series teaches about God’s Indestructible Love for us from Genesis to Revelation and is designed for churches, small groups, and/or individual study. This multi-media, interactive, plug-and-play five-part series discusses God’s Redemption plan from the perspective of God as a loving Father who lost His children and is willing to do whatever is needed, even die in their place in order to get them back. Each 30 minute session contains three questions for discussion, where the host can pause the video for participants to interact in small groups. Small group facilitators should be selected beforehand.
On the page you will find several introductory videos, including instructions for group facilitators. Additionally, under the “Resources” section you will find a downloadable “appeal cards” pdf, as well as a link to the Indestructible Love Signs of the Times special issue that contains the five lessons of Indestructible Love for participants to follow the sessions and take home. In order to receive the link to access these five sessions, complete the registration form at the bottom of the page (on the Indestructible Love website). Thank you so much for joining us in this exciting journey to understand more about God’s Indestructible Love!
For more information, visit: